Igor Stimac, the head coach of India’s national football team, sought astrological insights from Bhupesh Sharma, an astrologer based in Delhi NCR, just 48 hours before a crucial Asian Cup qualifying match against Afghanistan in Kolkata on June 9, 2022.
The message Stimac sent to Sharma via Indian Express read, “Hi dear friend, you can check charts for each player from the list for 11 June. Kick off time is at 20.30.”
The introduction between Stimac and the astrologer happened through a senior official from the All India Football Federation (AIFF). Kushal Das, the then secretary-general of AIFF, acknowledged that he facilitated the meeting in May 2022.
When questioned about Sharma’s contract, Das revealed that the AIFF paid him an amount ranging from Rs 12–15 lakh for his services over two months. Given that India had already secured qualification for the Asian Cup, the expenditure was considered reasonable.
Stimac had reportedly shared a list of probable starting 11 players for the must-win game scheduled for June 11. This list was sent to Sharma on June 9. In response, the astrologer provided comments for each player within hours, ranging from “Good” and “can do very well” to “needs to curb his arrogance” and “not recommended for the day.”
According to records, approximately 100 communications occurred between Sharma and Igor Stimac from May to June 2022, indicating their collaboration before each game.
Reporters had inquired about his decision to consult an astrologer. Stimac explained that Bhupesh had recommended him to do so. Others had persuaded him to investigate the potential impact of astrology on sports. He added that he had also requested the inclusion of another foreign assistant coach. However, the committee did not take that into consideration. He said that it surprised him regarding the extent of Bhupesh’s contract.